PMTA Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The Pennsylvania Music Teachers Association welcomes our members and visitors to the PMTA Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion page. This PMTA DEI page contains links to the MTNA Advocacy and Representation resources as well as resources curated by PMTA members. Pennsylvania Music Teachers Association has been active in our response to the MTNA diversity initiatives by offering a PMTA Ebony Prize in our MTNA Competitions in November and by regularly highlighting presenters and performers from diverse backgrounds and cultures at the annual state conferences. For more information or possible contributions to the PMTA DEI page, please contact Edward Kuhn,

The following is the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policy of Music Teachers National Association:

The Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policy of Music Teachers National Association Adopted September 2019

In keeping with our fundamental purposes of ensuring access to music study for all students and promoting a vital and enlightened music culture for all people, MTNA is committed to diversity, equity and inclusion in the music teaching profession. We are also committed to greater diversity, equity and inclusion within the association itself and welcome persons of all ages, races, ethnicities, religions, genders, sexual orientations, gender identities, abilities and marital statuses in all levels of leadership, staff and membership.

The principles and practices set forth below are intended to be collective and affirmative steps to lift the music teaching profession to a higher standard of professionalism and engagement. They should be pursued, in whole or in part, to assist MTNA, its affiliated associations, and its membership to more effectively achieve the following objectives:
· Commitment: We are committed to diversity, equity and inclusion in all aspects of MTNA structure, governance, certification, education, programming and services.
· Awareness: As part of carrying out the programs and operations of MTNA, we will be mindful of the need to increase diversity and inclusiveness.
· Promotion: We will promote the benefits of diversity to our affiliated associations and membership and provide them with new strategies to expand access to music study to all students.
· Recruitment: We will reach out and encourage music teachers from all culture to participate in MTNA programming and activities.
· Programming: We will provide diverse programming and educational offerings that will allow MTNA membership greater access to different and varied methodologies, ideas, information and perspectives.
· Strategic Approach: As a strategic initiative, MTNA will seek to establish and pursue meaningful diversity goals as a central aspect of MTNA leadership and programming.

MTNA DEI Policy/ Representation and Advocacy Committee

MTNA Representation and Advocacy Resources

PMTA Resources


Now in its third year, solo piano entrants are reminded of The Ebony Prize for the MTNA Competitions. This award was created to encourage more students and teachers across the nation to include music by Black composers in their competition programs. The Ebony Prize is awarded to the national piano finalists who present the best performances of piano pieces by Black composers. A cash award is given at the national Junior, Senior and Young Artist levels. In addition, PMTA has established a state-level Ebony Prize cash award honoring the best performance of solo piano pieces by Black composers. For more information and repertoire suggestions, please read below.

Ebony Music, Inc., a non-profit organization that promotes Black pianists and piano music by Black composers, was founded by MTNA member Leah Claiborne, who was the inaugural winner of the MTNA Stecher & Horowitz Power of Innovation Award. In the MTNA webinar, Competition Piano Repertoire by Black ComposersLeah Claiborne presented Top 10 lists of competition repertoire by Black composers organized by Junior, Senior and Young Artist levels. Teachers are not limited to these lists, but they are provided for those who wish to have a starting point for exploring the vast repertoire by Black composers. Click Here to access these repertoire lists on the Ebony Music website.

2024 State Performance Competition Ebony Prize Winners

PA Ebony Prize: Ethan Nguyen, student of Susan Kuntz

PA Ebony Prize: Ella Sumanaseni, student of Donna Bender/Frederic Chiu

PA Ebony Prize: Julia Potter, student of Olivia Ellis